Dr. Seran Dogancay-Aktuna
Ph.D., Educational Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, 1993
M.S, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, University of Pennsylvania, 1990
B.A. Honors, Language Studies, focus on Linguistics, University of Essex, England, 1986
Courses regularly taught
ENG 207 (Language Awareness), ENG 400 (Principles of Linguistics), ENG 416 (Language and Society), IS 399 (Exploring Linguistic Diversity in the US), FST 101 (First Semester Transition), among others.
Research interests
My area of specialization is educational linguistics, an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the policies and practices of second/foreign language education and emphasizes the role of language in teaching and learning. My most recent research focuses on the global spread of English, its use as an international language, and the implications of these developments for English language teaching and teacher education.
Selected recent publications
2021. “Moving from conceptualizations to implementation of a Global Englishes perspective in ELT.” In M. Saracani (ed-in-chief) Bloomsbury World Englishes, Y. Bayyurt (vol. ed.) Volume 3: Critical Issues in Pedagogy, Bloomsbury Linguistics. (with Joel Hardman)
2018. “Teaching of English as an international language in various contexts: Nothing is as practical as good theory.” RELC Journal, Vol. 49(1), 74-87. (with Joel Hardman) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0033688217750642
2018. “Teacher Qualifications, Professionalism, Competencies, and Benchmarks,” in J. Liontas (ed-in-chief) TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, Wiley-Blackwell. (with Joel Hardman) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118784235
2017. “A framework for incorporating an English as an international perspective into TESOL teacher education,” in A. Matsuda (ed.) Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language (pp. 19-31), Multilingual Matters. (with Joel Hardman)
2013. “Expanding the socio-cultural knowledge base of TESOL teacher education,” in M. Evans (ed.) Second Language Education, Major Themes in Education Series. Routledge. (Reprint of 2006 Language, Culture and Curriculum, Vol.19 (3), 278-295)
2012. “Teacher education for EIL: Working toward a situated meta-praxis, in A. Matsuda (ed.) Principles and Strategies of Teaching English as an International Language (pp. 103-120). Multilingual Matters.
2008. “Global English Teaching and Teacher Education: Praxis and Possibility”, Studies on TESOL Practice Series, Arlington, VA: TESOL Publications. (co-edited book with Joel Hardman)