Research and Development Committee
Group 1: Life Sciences and Biomedical Disciplines
- Jasbir Upadhyaya, Dental (2027)
- Chris Herndon, School of Pharmacy (2025)
- Brianne Guilford, Applied Health (2026)
Group 2: Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Rohan Benjankar, Civil Engineering (2027)
- Kevin Tucker, Chemistry (2025)
- Nathaniel Adegboyega, Environmental Sciences, (2026)
Group 3: Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, and Education
- Deborah Sellnow-Richmond, Applied Communication Studies (2027)
- Josh Kryah, Creative Writing (Spring, 2025)
- Bryan Smith, Applied Health, (2026)
Committee members are not allowed to review applications to programs to which they submit. Therefore, members are not allowed to submit to these programs.
Operating Papers
Functions of the Committee
The R&D Committee reviews applications for funding for the STEP Program and the Vaughnie Lindsay New Investigator Award. The Committee may review other programs as needed by the Graduate School.
- Membership
R&D will consist of 9 total at large elected members, 3 members for each of the following academic disciplinary groups:
Group 1: Life Sciences and Biomedical Disciplines
Group 2: Physical Sciences and Engineering
Group 3: Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, and Education
The members should meet minimum qualifications, including but not limited to experience with external funding. These representatives are elected by the Graduate Council. The Graduate Dean also appoints one person to represent the Graduate School. The Graduate Dean appoints the chair of the committee from among the membership.
- Selection Procedures
Elected members of the committee are selected by the Graduate Council and serve three-year staggered terms.
- The Educational and Research Policies Committee (ERP) of the Graduate Council solicits nominations from the graduate faculty and, having determined that those to be placed on the final slate of nominees would be willing to serve if elected and are qualified to serve, prepares a slate of candidates, preferably with no fewer than two for each Group and preferably with representation across the schools/college.
- The slate of candidates is forwarded to the Graduate Council, along with the candidates' vitae. Ballots listing the candidates are made available to the members of the Graduate Council. Each Council member votes for the open positions. The individuals receiving the highest number of votes for each Group will be elected.
- Conflicts of Interest
No member of the R&D Committee may participate in the review of proposals for a specific competition if (s)he also has a proposal for funding under consideration at that same competition. After the completion of the competition, individuals so affected will resume responsibilities on the committee. When a member of the committee is excused, the Graduate Dean, in consultation with the school or college dean, will appoint a temporary replacement from the faculty.
Approved by the Graduate Council December 17, 2015