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First Annual Capstone Poster Day - April 28, 2009

Becky Salmons, Class of 2009, listens intently while Preceptor Susan Guntren asks a question about the poster. Behind, Margo Hanerhoff, Class of 2009, studies her own poster.

Dean Philip Medon discusses a poster with Class of 2009 students Alphy Roy and Sini Muckom.

Ron Snow, CVS, and Blake Clayton, Class of 2009, converse about his poster while Beth Kaufman, CVS, talks with another student.

Kelly Perez, Class of 2009, explains her research to faculty member Cassandra Maynard as Travis Willeford, Class of 2009, looks on.

Patrick Hunley, Vice Chancellor for University Relations, discusses details with Deonna Madison-Wooten, Class of 2009, about her poster.

To view a complete listing of the 2008-2009 poster titles, click here .

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