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School of Business

Cougar Business Resource Center

School of Business

Economic Feasibility

This exercise provides practice with absolute and relative cell references; cell and worksheet formatting; consolidating worksheets; complex formulas, including present value; protecting cells; using range names; and SUM, IF, @NOW, and other Functions to create Economic Feasibility and Break-Even reports.

Attached are two (2) files: Instructions and a starting file. Please right-click each link, download or save to a location where you can easily find them, and then open both files to follow the step-by-step instructions and begin work with the provided Excel workbook.

Economic Feasibility Video

Disclaimer: Instructions for each exercise are written in MS Office 2016 on a PC. All videos demonstrate completing exercises using Windows 10 and MS Office 2016. If you are using a Mac computer, a Mac version of MS Office, an older PC operating system, or a different version of MS Office, you may notice differences. Remember, Google can be your best friend when it comes to technology questions!


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