Is this a full-time program? Can I moonlight in my spare time?
Yes, this is a full-time program and no moonlighting is allowed. Total attendance in all aspects of the program is mandatory. Patient cancellations do not constitute grounds for absenteeism. Orthodontic residents are expected to use such times constructively for research, library or other assignments.
What is the work environment like?
Each resident has their own operatory, and shares auxiliary and support staff with co-residents.
What is the leave policy and do I get vacation time?
Official state holidays are listed in the yearly academic calendar and may be observed by orthodontic residents unless emergency coverage is required. All school holidays are granted to the residents. In addition, orthodontic residents may take personal leave during work days as vacation, parental leave, sick leave or to participate in professional meetings and to attend interviews. Leaves are contingent upon approval by the Program Director.
Are there any opportunities for collaborative dental treatment?
Collaborative interaction with various departments at the School of Dental Medicine and inter-disciplinary treatment plans, are encouraged.
What are the teaching requirements?
Residents are required to participate in the supervised teaching of orthodontics to second (didactic, pre-clinical/lab), third (didactic) and fourth (clinical) year predoctoral dental students. The Program Director evaluates orthodontic residents' teaching based on their competency in teaching methodology and observation of their preclinical/clinical teaching performance.
Are there any opportunities for potential applicants to observe/shadow the residents in the program?
Unfortunately, due to patient privacy and liability concerns, the SIU School of Dental Medicine does not currently offer campus tours and/or shadowing opportunities to potential applicants.