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SIUE Nature Preserve

Use Request

We encourage research, teaching and recreation in the Nature Preserve. Protecting the natural resources of the landscape is a shared responsibility.

Rules for the Nature Preserve

  • Hiking by small groups of visitors and the University community is welcome on marked trails during daylight hours.
  • On-trail running or jogging by groups of less than five is permitted.
  • Traffic on muddy trails is strongly discouraged.
  • Hiking off-trail or at night requires official permission. The teaching and research project request forms provide more information and application procedures.
  • Wheeled vehicles are not permitted, except to serve the handicapped or to support teaching, research and management.
  • Littering or the possession of alcohol or illegal substances is not allowed.
  • Pets must be leashed at all times.
  • Removal or alteration of natural materials and historical artifacts requires official permission. This includes picking fruits, nuts or mushrooms, and activities involving painting, marking, carving, digging, vegetation cutting, planting or release of organisms.
  • Camping, fires and building of structures are not allowed.
  • Markers, tags, flagging and the like identify educational or student-research projects. They are central to the mission of the Preserve and must not be removed.
  • Placement of signs, flags, markers, etc. may only be done by authorized persons.
  • The Preserve is closed to hunting and trapping of all kinds without official permission.
  • Parties larger than six persons must apply for permission to use the Preserve. The teaching and research project request forms provide more information and application procedures.

Violations of any of the rules or policies established for the Nature Preserve or the SIUE campus at large can result in revocation of privileges in the Preserve, as well as legal action.

Nature Preserve


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